Do you really want to learn something about "What is 'air regulator'"? Yes? Let's just get this party started!
A device for regulating airflow, as in the burner of a furnace.
Air pressure regulators are used to provide a constant outlet of pressure, separately from the inlet pressure or flow.
These are a few popular questions people ask:
Air regulator
What is a regulator...
Regulators are used for gases and liquids, and can be an integral device with a pressure setting, a restrictor and a sensor all in the one body, or consist of a separate pressure sensor, controller and flow valve. Two types are found: The pressure reduction regulator and the back-pressure regulator.How does a air regulator work...
Air passes into the filtering chamber at the bottom of the regulator. Air passes through the filter which removes dirt particles in the incoming air which may block nozzles etc. It then goes into the valve assembly. The valve assembly is moved by the range spring pressing on the diaphragm.This article ends here. But if you have any questions, please drop them at the comments below.
Note to self: Post (first draft) OK.