ASTM is an acronym for American Society for Testing and Materials. They currently calls themselves "ASTM International".
The catchphrase is "Standards Worldwide" (since they stopped being "American" a long time ago). Or "Helping our world work better".
Logo used on ASTM website:
ASTM is a technical standard widely used in north and south america. Its purpose is to standardize a wide range of materials, products, systems and services.
It is also known for providing standards that become procedures. For example, determining grain size in metallographic tests (ASTM E112).
Meaning of Letters
Before the standard number there is a letter. Its meaning is:
A = Steel or iron materials (Ferrous materials).
B = Non-ferrous materials.
C = Ceramic, concrete and masonry materials.
D = Other materials.
E = Other subjects.
F = Materials for specific applications.
G = Corrosion and deterioration of materials.
- Go to this page.
- Type the number (name) of the standard you are looking for in the search box. Tip: Don't forget to include "ASTM" as a keyword.
- Read the details about the standard.
ASTM Classroom
Are you having trouble understanding the basics of ASTM?What is the difference between Code, Standard & Specification?
This video will walk you through: