Would you like to learn about “What is 'air preheater'”? Yes? Good, let’s get started!
A short answer to this question is…
A device used in steam boilers to transfer heat from the flue gases to the combustion air before the latter enters the furnace.
An ‘air preheater’ is any device designed to heat air before another process.
They may be used alone or to replace a recuperative heat system or to replace a steam coil.
These are questions that people still ask:
Air preheater
What are the different types of air preheater...
Another type of air preheater is the regenerator used in iron or glass manufacture. Tubular preheaters consist of straight tube bundles which pass through the outlet ducting of the boiler and open at each end outside of the ducting.I hope you liked this post.
Note to self: Draft for a new article.