Ionization Energy

About Ionization Energy

Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom or molecule.

Among the chemical elements of any period, removal of an electron is hardest for the noble gases and easiest for the alkali metals.

According to wikipedia…

In physics and chemistry, ionization energy (American English spelling) or ionisation energy (British English spelling) is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or molecule.

Table of contents

You can expect this article to cover:

  • What is ionization energy (definition)
  • What does ionization energy measure
  • Ionization energy equation
  • Ionization energy units
  • Can ionization energy be negative
  • How to find ionization energy
  • How ionization energy change on the periodic table
  • Ionization energy trend exceptions
  • How to determine ionization energy from electron configuration
  • How to determine ionization energy from periodic table
  • How to calculate ionization energy from kinetic energy
  • How to calculate second ionization energy
  • Ionization energy vs electronegativity
  • Ionization energy vs atomic number
  • Ionization energy and electron affinity
  • Ionization energy and atomic radius
  • Ionization energy and effective nuclear charge
  • How does ionization energy affect reactivity
  • How to predict ionization energy
  • How to identify an element based on ionization energy
  • How to determine group from ionization energy
  • Which ionization process requires the most energy
  • Which element has the higher ionization energy

What does Ionization Energy Measure


The ionization energy is a measure of the capability of an element to enter into chemical reactions requiring ion formation or donation of electrons.

It is also generally related to the nature of the chemical bonding in the compounds formed by the elements.

Ionization energy equation

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Ionization energy units

The most commonly used units for ionization energy are:

1. eV "electron volts" (in Physics)

2. kJ/mol "molar units" (in Chemistry) kJ/mol is the the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from every atom in a particular mole of atoms.

Can Ionization Energy Be Negative

Ionization enthalpy is always negative.

How ionization energy change on the periodic table

Moving from left to right across the periodic table, the ionization energy for an atom increases.

Moving from left to right across the periodic table, the ionization energy for an atom increases. Within a group, the ionization energy decreases as the size of the atom gets larger.

Ionization energy trend exceptions

The first ionization energy of boron is less than that of beryllium and the first ionization energy of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen.

How to Calculate Ionization Energy From Kinetic Energy

As the excess energy, will be in the form of kinetic energy, is calculated by the photoelectron spectrometer it is possible to calculate ionization energy of a molecule, by rearranging the following equation: Ek=hν−EI, to solve for EI, ionization energy.

Ionization energy vs electronegativity

Inverse of each other.

Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract the electrons in a bond towards it while ionization energy is the energy a neutral atom needs to remove an electron from it.

Ionization energy vs atomic number

Within a group, the ionization energy decreases as the size of the atom gets larger.

In this situation, the first electron removed is farther from the nucleus as the atomic number (number of protons) increases.

Ionization energy and electron affinity

The main difference between electron affinity and ionization energy is that electron affinity gives the amount of energy released when an atom gains an electron whereas ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom.

Ionization energy and atomic radius

As the atomic radius decreases, it becomes harder to remove an electron that is closer to a more positively charged nucleus.

Therefore the smaller the radius the higher the ionization energy, and the bigger the radius the lower the energy need.

How does Ionization Energy Affect Reactivity

The greater the ionization energy, the more difficult it is to remove an electron.

When an atom has a higher ionization energy, it requires a lot energy to remove an electron, and the atom is stable and has a lower reactivity.

When an atom has a lower ionization energy, it requires less energy to move the electron, and it is not stable and has a higher reactivity.

How to Determine Group From Ionization Energy

The general trend is for ionization energy to decrease moving from top to bottom down a periodic table group.

Moving down a group, a valence shell is added.

The outermost electrons are further from the positive-charged nucleus, so they are easier to remove.

Which Element Has The Higher Ionization Energy


Video: The Periodic Table: Atomic Radius,...

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Ionization Energy
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