Every Atom has a symbol to represent them. Some are easy to figure out... But what is the atom whose symbol is Cl?
The answer is Chlorine (Cl). But there's a lot of secret / fun facts about Chlorine that people don't know. Let me walk you through this atom...
The answer is Chlorine (Cl). But there's a lot of secret / fun facts about Chlorine that people don't know. Let me walk you through this atom...
Chlorine Overview
Atomic Symbol
Cl (Chlorine)
State at 20 °C
Used in water purification, bleaches, acids and many, many other compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).
Salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) is its most common compound. Commercial quantities are produced by electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (seawater or brine from salt mines).
Greenish-yellow, disagreeable gas. Never found in free form in nature.
Name Origin
Greek: chlôros (greenish yellow).
Discovered By: Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Year: 1774
Location: Sweden
Learn more about the atomic mass.
Want to learn more details? Check my Elements Comprehensive List.
Want to learn more details? Check my Elements Comprehensive List.
Colored Periodic Table
Need an editable periodic table to edit? Maybe add your school logo, work team or anything else to maker your paper look cool?
Along with basic atom / element information (like Chlorine-Cl and all the other atom symbols / data), it also comes with color coded info about: State (Gas, Liquid or Solid at room temperature), Groups/series details and much more...
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Download and enjoy this complete and colored periodic table for you to edit and enjoy. It's in an editable excel format or .ods (open).
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Along with basic atom / element information (like Chlorine-Cl and all the other atom symbols / data), it also comes with color coded info about: State (Gas, Liquid or Solid at room temperature), Groups/series details and much more...
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Download and enjoy this complete and colored periodic table for you to edit and enjoy. It's in an editable excel format or .ods (open).
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