You may already know that the chemical element with atomic number 74 is Tungsten.
But there's a lot of cool stuff about Tungsten that most people don't know. Check this out:
But there's a lot of cool stuff about Tungsten that most people don't know. Check this out:
Tungsten Overview
Hard, steel-gray to white metal. Highest melting point of all metals.
W (Tungsten)Sources
Occurs in the minerals scheelite (CaWO4) and wolframite [(Fe,Mn)WO4].
Made into filaments for vacuum tubes and electric lights. Also as contact points in cars. Combined with calcium or magnesium it makes phosphors. Tungsten carbide is extremely hard and is used for making cutting tools and abrasives.
State at 20 °C
Name Origin
Swedish: tung sten (heavy stone): symbol from its German name wolfram.
Discovered By: Fausto and Juan José de Elhuyar
Year: 1783
Location: Spain
Atomic Mass
Learn more about the atomic mass.
Colored Periodic Table
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Along with basic chemical element information (like Tungsten and all the other chemical elements), it also comes with color coded info about: State (Gas, Liquid or Solid at room temperature), Groups/series details and much more...
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Along with basic chemical element information (like Tungsten and all the other chemical elements), it also comes with color coded info about: State (Gas, Liquid or Solid at room temperature), Groups/series details and much more...
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Download and enjoy this complete and colored periodic table for you to edit and enjoy. It's in an editable excel format or .ods (open).
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